Life Style Journey

Monday, August 2, 2010

Life Gets In the Way

So much has happened since I last posted. Quick summary of some key events:
1. Our house guest has moved out.
2. Still working on marital issues.
3. Kids driving me crazy but school starts in 3 weeks, 5 days!
4. I'm starting to take some classes myself and hope to find a job working in preschool/nursery school setting while I'm continuing my education.
5. I've lost 7 lbs. since the start of summer!
6. My brother's wedding in 5 weeks, 2 days away!
7. My husband's business is starting to pick back up!
8. We're still plagued by car troubles.
9. I've read probably about one book/week myself this summer, while still working with Bug on his reading and reading Dora books to Monkey. Hence, I started volunteering at the library. Figured I was spending so much time there picking out books, I could help out myself.
10. I'm going to re-committ myself to my blog. I need it. I've learned after reading some of the other Mommy bloggers I know that I need this outlet - even if no one is really reading it.

So in an effort to recommit to my blog - I'd like to pass along this great offer I got in my email box today. If you don't already subscribe to RedPlum, you should check it out. Here's an especially tasty offer for the month of August:

I'm going to try and focus on passing along some useful tidbits, offers, advice, and maybe even some product reviews along the way. So sit back now with a good book, a cold beverage (of your choice), and enjoy the last few weeks of summer!