Life Style Journey

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Total and Utter Frustration

AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! Okay so that makes me feel a little better. I am really sick and tired of dealing with people in general. People who don't do their job. People who say they want a job, but then when you offer them one, they have a reason for not wanting it anymore. People who complain that they don't like their job - hello but at least you have one! People who say they're going to do something and then don't. People who don't return phone calls. People who say they don't want drama in their lives, but then create mounds of it whenever they have the chance. People who yell at me for standing up and saying something is "wrong" when there really is something wrong. People who e-mail me in all capital letters. People who think they are above reproach. People who try to sell me something when I don't ask to be sold on something. People who won't leave me alone so I can work. People who think a WAH mom just sits on her ass all day, watching soaps and eating bon bons. People who believe that some of us have lives filled with rainbows and hearts just because we're not actively deployed. I'm so tired of having to justify my actions and standing up for myself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't there been people fighting and dying since the beginning of time, so that I could have the right to stand up and fight when I see a wrong being committed! Why the hell should I be made to feel guilty, ashamed for standing up for myself! To some of you this post will make total sense; for others you'll be scratching your head.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What a Week!

*Warning - parts of this post are not for those with weak constitutions, aka it gets gross.*

This week started off innocently enough. Bug started back to school - not by choice - with a 90 minute delay on Monday morning. I woke up with a sinus cold, but I muddled my way through it even getting a training workout in at the gym. Tuesday morning, I woke up and the cold had made it's way down to my chest. Not so much fun for someone prone to asthma. Went through the day with minimal problems. Got the kids ready for bed. Everyone was bathed and giving hugs good night, when Budha's stomach contents exploded - all over Bug and the couch. Dad was of no help; "I think I'm going to be sick" was his exact comment. I sent him off to help Bug and have him re-shower. I cleaned up Budha's clothes, and then gave her to Dad for her re-bath. I then took to cleaning up the living room. The weird thing was what she threw up was the dinner she had from the previous night, nothing that she had eaten that evening or even from that day. So we got everyone cleaned up and in bed, and Budha's stomach exploded again. This time I had a towel handy. Dad came running with a trash can. Ok - do you really think I can get a 17 month old to stay still and puke over a trash can? Cleaned up that mess, not as big this time. Got her to cuddle with me - really not an issue for her as she was wiped out. But within a 1/2 hour she was puking again, except this time there was nothing left in her little belly except some bile. No fever. It's 10:00 at night. I opted to not take her to the emergency room. Partially because of the no fever, and I know there's been a bug going around, and partially because of the weather. The ice storm has started. With the way things are going we'd probably end up all going to the ER as the result of a car accident.
So I clean up everything again, and get her to go back to sleep. That lasts for about an hour. This is how the whole night goes. I stayed awake all night to watch her and "catch" any more puke - though there was nothing left in her stomach to puke.
Wednesday morning - no school due to ice storm. Everyone home. Budha acts as if nothing happened, though she is tired and doesn't feel like eating. She seems to be over it. By dinner I get her to eat some toast, crackers and water. Thursday - I still have the chest cold; 90 minute delay for school; I'm exhausted from no sleep the night before. Friday - I wake up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps and naseau. Stomach bug take 2 - my turn. I'm feeling so crappy that I don't even take Bug to school. Probably better - at least he's able to help me keep an eye on Budha since I spend much of the day in the bathroom. Saturday - I wake up with a killer headache and a little bit of a stomach ache but feeling much better - both the stomach and the chest cold. Husband - "I'm not feeling so well." Stomach bug take 3. . .

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Year of Change

Instead of resolutions - which I never seem to stick to anyway - maybe it's the word "resolution". It sounds so final - "I resolve to. . . " But how about "change". Change can happen over a period of time. It sounds more like a process.

I'm going to start making little changes in my life for 2009, whether it's trying to blog more actively, change my eating habits/work out routine to little things like trying different foods.

So how's this for a New Year's change - a new blog I stumpled across via another new blog I stumbled across, via a blog a regularly follow . . . does that make sense. Any way check this out -

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kids Do the Darndest Things

This would make another interesting weekly topic. This evening during dinner, I thought we had a breakthrough with Budha's eating habits. She really eats nothing other than chicken nuggets and Gerber toddler meals. But tonight I gave her a plate with some cucumbers and macaroni. I saw her eat the cucs and then every time I glanced over at the plate the macaroni was disappearing little by little. I thought "Wonderful! We have progress!!!" Uh, well, not so fast. I went to pick up her cup which fell next to her in the high chair seat. Guess what else I found? You got it. All the macaroni she "ate". Well, at least she ate the cucumbers.

You Wanted Two Kids

That's the Husband says everytime I start to complain, err, I mean, tell him about the kids' day. "You wanted two kids." Thanks, Hon.
As I was sitting here today - just a few moments ago - trying to get some data entry work accomplished, I could hear Budha screeching and crying at Bug, and then Bug yelling "stop pinching me". Turns out he was sitting in her rocking chair and wouldn't get out. After a few minutes, Bug finally got his own chair and sat in it. They hugged and kissed. Now all is right with the world. . . for at least five minutes . . . maybe . . . hopefully . . . please.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Starting the New Year Off Right

For those of you that don't know me that well, I try to be a regular blood donor. I've been donating for over 10 years. Now that pregnancies and nursing are behind me, I'm planning on becoming a regular - every 8 weeks - donor. I've even taken my 6 year old son with me once in a while so that he will see that it's not all that bad. His blood type is the universal donor so I would really like him to become a blood donor himself. This year I found something interesting over at Check it out and if you haven't given blood in a while, or maybe this will be your first time - what better incentive can you have.